CAM Pocket 3D/it

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Cavità 3D

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Path → Cavità 3D
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Questo strumento crea una nuova operazione Cavità 3D. Una tasca 3D tiene conto della superficie inferiore della tasca.

Sample image of 3D Pocket operation used to clear cylindrical battery holder.


  1. Selezionare il fondo della tasca da fresare
  2. Premere il pulsante Cavità 3D
  3. Selezionare il controller dell'utensile che si desidera utilizzare
  4. Regolare le proprietà come si desidera
  5. Applicare
  1. From within a Job, select one or more Faces from the Job Model to include as the Base Geometry.
  2. Invoke the Pocket 3D or select CAM Pocket 3D command from the top menu.
  3. Choose a Tool controller from the pop up selection dialogue window.
  4. Add or subtract Base Geometry elements as needed to configure the Operation.
  5. Check the Depths tab to ensure the Start Depth, Finish Depth, and Step Down percentage are correct. The Final Depth is determined by the Body Geometry selection and is not modifiable.
  6. Check the Heights tab to ensure the Safe and Clearance Heights are appropriate.
  7. Check the Operation tab where the Tool controller can be re-selected, the Cut mode can be configured for Climb or Conventional milling, the Pattern can be set, the Step Over percentage can be adjusted, and Pass Extension can be applied.
  8. Click Apply to observe the milling path for the passes of the Operation. Adjust parameters until satisfied with the Operation.
  9. Click OK to save the Operation.



Sample image of 3D Pocket operation used to clear cylindrical battery holder with the Adaptive Pocket Start enabled in order to reduce air milling upon entry.




Note: It is suggested that you do not edit the Placement property of path operations. Rather, move or rotate the CAM Job model as needed.






Note: Rotation is not available for 3D Pocket as of 0.19.

Start Point




See also: FreeCAD Scripting Basics.


#Place code example here.